Gió Marconi, Milan
Gió Marconi, Milan

Dasha Shishkin
Everything has an end, only a sausage has two ends, 2010
Acrylic, pastels and ink on canvas
240 x 533 cm
Everything has an end, only a sausage has two ends, 2010
Acrylic, pastels and ink on canvas
240 x 533 cm
Dasha Shishkin
Inaugurazione: giovedì 22 Aprile 2010 dalle 19 alle 21
23 aprile - 29 maggio 2010
martedì - sabato, 10.30-19.00
La galleria Giò Marconi è particolarmente lieta di annunciare la prima mostra personale dell'artista russa Dasha Shishkin, che si terrà negli spazi sotterranei della galleria.
Shishkin, che vive e lavora a New York dal 1993, inizia la sua carriera con la grande mostra del Moma "The Compulsive Line: Etching 1900 to Now” nel 2006, nella quale suoi lavori si potevano vedere insieme a quelli di Marcel Dzama, Jake and Dinos Chapman, David Hockney, David Shrigley etc.
I lavori di Shishkin sono molto diversi fra loro, come pure le tecniche, che variano dall'acrilico ai pastelli, all'inchiostro e alla grafite e se dove utilizza i colori le sue pennellate sono selvagge, coloratissime e gettate violentemente sulla tela, le acqueforti e i disegni consistono di semplici, essenziali linee. In mostra in galleria si possono vedere varie opere su tela e carta e tre acqueforti.
I suoi lavori sono figurativi e il suo stile tendente al decorativo di primo acchito impedisce allo spettatore di vedere che c'è un soggetto macabro, o fantastico, o malinconico e spesso, ma non sempre, violento e ai limiti del perverso. Di frequente i suoi lavori sono inoltre pervasi da una patina anticheggiante.
Le storie di Shishkin non sono facili da decodficare. Shishkin è una grande narratrice, che descrive scene sovraccariche di emozioni, dove si mescolano la storia, l'erotismo, la violenza ma anche lo humor. L'artista lascia sempre allo spettatore il compito di decodificare i suoi enigmatici lavori.
Un altro strumento che Shishkin ama utilizzare per rendere ancora più criptici i messaggi delle sue opere è il linguaggio ("I titoli sono come una ciliegia sulla torta. La ciliegia non fa la torta una torta di ciliegie, ma è sempre lì ad attrarre o distrarre l'occhio"): nei suoi titoli usa giochi di parole come
“Fucking Children”, sottilmente sposta il significato di motti comuni come “It takes Money to Feed Pretty Women” o candidamente usa tioli che non hanno nulla a che fare con il lavoro.
Dasha Shishkin è nata a Mosca, Russia, nel 1977. ha studiato alla New School for Social Research, New York e alla Columbia University, New York.
Ha tenuto mostre personali presso: Zach Feuer Gallery, New York; Andreas Grimm, Munich; Grimm|Rosenfeld, New York; Grimm|Rosenfeld, Munich; ND Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Suoi lavori sono stati esibiti in mostre collettive presso: Denver Art Museum, Denver; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna; Visual Art Center of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing; China Art Objects, Los Angeles; ISE Cultural Foundation, New York; Arndt & Partner, Zurich; Galleria Alberto Peola, Turin, Italy; Galerie Im Regierungsviertel, Turin, Italy; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Parrasch Gallery, New York; Hungarian Cultural Center, New York; 33 Bond Gallery, New York; Smack Mellon and The Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn; Hangar-7, Salzburg; Bezalel Academy, Tel Aviv; Ratio 3, San Francisco; Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Los Angeles; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; PS1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, NY; Phillips de Pury & Co Gallery, New York; Cohan+Leslie, New York; Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York; Oliver Kamm/5BE Gallery, New York; Team Gallery, New York; Black Church Print Studio Dublin, GF Gallery New School University, New York; Pearl Gallery, New York; William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ; Stuhltrager Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Inaugurazione: giovedì 22 Aprile 2010 dalle 19 alle 21
23 aprile - 29 maggio 2010
martedì - sabato, 10.30-19.00
La galleria Giò Marconi è particolarmente lieta di annunciare la prima mostra personale dell'artista russa Dasha Shishkin, che si terrà negli spazi sotterranei della galleria.
Shishkin, che vive e lavora a New York dal 1993, inizia la sua carriera con la grande mostra del Moma "The Compulsive Line: Etching 1900 to Now” nel 2006, nella quale suoi lavori si potevano vedere insieme a quelli di Marcel Dzama, Jake and Dinos Chapman, David Hockney, David Shrigley etc.
I lavori di Shishkin sono molto diversi fra loro, come pure le tecniche, che variano dall'acrilico ai pastelli, all'inchiostro e alla grafite e se dove utilizza i colori le sue pennellate sono selvagge, coloratissime e gettate violentemente sulla tela, le acqueforti e i disegni consistono di semplici, essenziali linee. In mostra in galleria si possono vedere varie opere su tela e carta e tre acqueforti.
I suoi lavori sono figurativi e il suo stile tendente al decorativo di primo acchito impedisce allo spettatore di vedere che c'è un soggetto macabro, o fantastico, o malinconico e spesso, ma non sempre, violento e ai limiti del perverso. Di frequente i suoi lavori sono inoltre pervasi da una patina anticheggiante.
Le storie di Shishkin non sono facili da decodficare. Shishkin è una grande narratrice, che descrive scene sovraccariche di emozioni, dove si mescolano la storia, l'erotismo, la violenza ma anche lo humor. L'artista lascia sempre allo spettatore il compito di decodificare i suoi enigmatici lavori.
Un altro strumento che Shishkin ama utilizzare per rendere ancora più criptici i messaggi delle sue opere è il linguaggio ("I titoli sono come una ciliegia sulla torta. La ciliegia non fa la torta una torta di ciliegie, ma è sempre lì ad attrarre o distrarre l'occhio"): nei suoi titoli usa giochi di parole come
“Fucking Children”, sottilmente sposta il significato di motti comuni come “It takes Money to Feed Pretty Women” o candidamente usa tioli che non hanno nulla a che fare con il lavoro.
Dasha Shishkin è nata a Mosca, Russia, nel 1977. ha studiato alla New School for Social Research, New York e alla Columbia University, New York.
Ha tenuto mostre personali presso: Zach Feuer Gallery, New York; Andreas Grimm, Munich; Grimm|Rosenfeld, New York; Grimm|Rosenfeld, Munich; ND Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Suoi lavori sono stati esibiti in mostre collettive presso: Denver Art Museum, Denver; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna; Visual Art Center of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing; China Art Objects, Los Angeles; ISE Cultural Foundation, New York; Arndt & Partner, Zurich; Galleria Alberto Peola, Turin, Italy; Galerie Im Regierungsviertel, Turin, Italy; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Parrasch Gallery, New York; Hungarian Cultural Center, New York; 33 Bond Gallery, New York; Smack Mellon and The Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn; Hangar-7, Salzburg; Bezalel Academy, Tel Aviv; Ratio 3, San Francisco; Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Los Angeles; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; PS1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, NY; Phillips de Pury & Co Gallery, New York; Cohan+Leslie, New York; Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York; Oliver Kamm/5BE Gallery, New York; Team Gallery, New York; Black Church Print Studio Dublin, GF Gallery New School University, New York; Pearl Gallery, New York; William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ; Stuhltrager Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Dasha Shishkin
Opening: Thursday, April 22, 2010; 7pm - 9pm
April 23 - May 29, 2010
From Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30am-7.00pm
Giò Marconi gallery is very pleased to announce its first solo exhibition with the Russian artist Dasha Shishkin which will be held in the underground spaces of the gallery.
Shishkin, who has been living and working in New York since 1993, initiated her career with the widely known exhibition "The Compulsive Line: Etching 1900 to Now” show at the MoMA in 2006 in which she was to be seen among the likes of Marcel Dzama, Jake and Dinos Chapman, David Hockney, David Shrigley etc.
Shishkin’s works are very diverse in nature. Her techniques vary: she alternately uses acrylics, pastels, inks and graphites and while she applies wild, colourful and bold brush strokes to her coloured-in drawings, her etchings and drawings consist of simple lines. On display at the gallery will be various works on canvas and paper and three etchings.
Her works are figurative and her rather decorative style at first prevents the viewer from seeing that the subject matter is macabre, fantastical, melancholic and more often but not violent and on the verge of the perverse. They always have a rather old-worldly touch to them.
Shishkin’s stories are not easy to decode. She is a big storyteller who depicts scenes of sensory overload in which romance, eroticism, violence but also humor are captured but she leaves the viewer with the task of decoding her always enigmatic works.
Another tool that Shishkin likes to apply to further encrypt the messages of her works is the use of language (“Titles are like a cherry on a cake. The cherry does not make a cake a cherry cake, but it is still there to attract or distract an eye.”): in her titles she uses puns like “Fucking Children”, slightly changes the meaning of widely known truths like in “It takes Money to Feed Pretty Women” or plainly uses lines that have nothing to do with the actual work.
Dasha Shishkin was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1977. She studied at the New School for Social Research, New York and at Columbia University, New York.
She had solo exhibitions at: Zach Feuer Gallery, New York; Andreas Grimm, Munich; Grimm|Rosenfeld, New York; Grimm|Rosenfeld, Munich; ND Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Her works have been feautured in exhibitions at: Denver Art Museum, Denver; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna; Visual Art Center of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing; China Art Objects, Los Angeles; ISE Cultural Foundation, New York; Arndt & Partner, Zurich; Galleria Alberto Peola, Turin, Italy; Galerie Im Regierungsviertel, Turin, Italy; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Parrasch Gallery, New York; Hungarian Cultural Center, New York; 33 Bond Gallery, New York; Smack Mellon and The Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn; Hangar-7, Salzburg; Bezalel Academy, Tel Aviv; Ratio 3, San Francisco; Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Los Angeles; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; PS1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, NY; Phillips de Pury & Co Gallery, New York; Cohan+Leslie, New York; Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York; Oliver Kamm/5BE Gallery, New York; Team Gallery, New York; Black Church Print Studio Dublin, GF Gallery New School University, New York; Pearl Gallery, New York; William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ; Stuhltrager Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Opening: Thursday, April 22, 2010; 7pm - 9pm
April 23 - May 29, 2010
From Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30am-7.00pm
Giò Marconi gallery is very pleased to announce its first solo exhibition with the Russian artist Dasha Shishkin which will be held in the underground spaces of the gallery.
Shishkin, who has been living and working in New York since 1993, initiated her career with the widely known exhibition "The Compulsive Line: Etching 1900 to Now” show at the MoMA in 2006 in which she was to be seen among the likes of Marcel Dzama, Jake and Dinos Chapman, David Hockney, David Shrigley etc.
Shishkin’s works are very diverse in nature. Her techniques vary: she alternately uses acrylics, pastels, inks and graphites and while she applies wild, colourful and bold brush strokes to her coloured-in drawings, her etchings and drawings consist of simple lines. On display at the gallery will be various works on canvas and paper and three etchings.
Her works are figurative and her rather decorative style at first prevents the viewer from seeing that the subject matter is macabre, fantastical, melancholic and more often but not violent and on the verge of the perverse. They always have a rather old-worldly touch to them.
Shishkin’s stories are not easy to decode. She is a big storyteller who depicts scenes of sensory overload in which romance, eroticism, violence but also humor are captured but she leaves the viewer with the task of decoding her always enigmatic works.
Another tool that Shishkin likes to apply to further encrypt the messages of her works is the use of language (“Titles are like a cherry on a cake. The cherry does not make a cake a cherry cake, but it is still there to attract or distract an eye.”): in her titles she uses puns like “Fucking Children”, slightly changes the meaning of widely known truths like in “It takes Money to Feed Pretty Women” or plainly uses lines that have nothing to do with the actual work.
Dasha Shishkin was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1977. She studied at the New School for Social Research, New York and at Columbia University, New York.
She had solo exhibitions at: Zach Feuer Gallery, New York; Andreas Grimm, Munich; Grimm|Rosenfeld, New York; Grimm|Rosenfeld, Munich; ND Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Her works have been feautured in exhibitions at: Denver Art Museum, Denver; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna; Visual Art Center of Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing; China Art Objects, Los Angeles; ISE Cultural Foundation, New York; Arndt & Partner, Zurich; Galleria Alberto Peola, Turin, Italy; Galerie Im Regierungsviertel, Turin, Italy; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Parrasch Gallery, New York; Hungarian Cultural Center, New York; 33 Bond Gallery, New York; Smack Mellon and The Kentler International Drawing Space, Brooklyn; Hangar-7, Salzburg; Bezalel Academy, Tel Aviv; Ratio 3, San Francisco; Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Los Angeles; Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ; PS1 Contemporary Art Center, Long Island City, NY; Phillips de Pury & Co Gallery, New York; Cohan+Leslie, New York; Neiman Gallery, Columbia University, New York; Oliver Kamm/5BE Gallery, New York; Team Gallery, New York; Black Church Print Studio Dublin, GF Gallery New School University, New York; Pearl Gallery, New York; William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ; Stuhltrager Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.